Sunday, December 16, 2007

Club Minutes Dec. 12 (Jon)

Club Minutes, December 12,07

Sandra,Amy and I welcomed Tana Gutierrez as our guest for the meeting.
Where is everybody else? Is an e-mail or telephone reminder necessary to
help our members remember this meeting?


1. Jon has received a DVD called Humanity in Motion from Rotary International, which is a compilation of the best PSA's (public service announcements) for TV, radio,print, billboards, etc. which might be used to increase public awareness in Marfa.

Suggestion is for Jon to take this to Tom Michaels of KRTS to see what might be done to share the Rotary story with the community.

2.An agenda item for our next meeting is the election of a president for the club.
No names have been received by Jon as nominations this week. Please make nominations to him by e-mail: And everyone please plan to come to next week's Dec.19 meeting so we can achieve a quorum.

Business taken up without a quorum:

1. Need to call TXDOT about putting Rotary sign back up on highway east of Marfa.
Jon will do this

2. Exchange Student update....More info needed from Alice Jennings about the timetable for the Big Read. Marfa Rotary can be more assertive about an exchange student from Egypt once we know this grant has been won. Jon will call Alice

3. Discussion about Service opportunity categories....

a. Sandra suggests that English as a Second Language classes are needed. How can Rotary help?
b. Jon suggests that Rotary might build wooden access ramps for older or disabled people around here. Jon will contact Sylvia Zubiate at Senior Center.
c. Sandra is asked about the Teaching might Rotary help?
First the garden needs leaves for compost. Oops....most of the leaves have been raked already, but the invitation is to bring leaves to the garden at 1st and Kelly street
Second, the garden needs adults willing to lead children in year-round gardening tasks.
d. Amy suggests that the garden might acquire the high school's greenhouse that was 80% complete and yet has never been finished or used. Amy and Sandra will check into this possibility.

These are some excellent suggestions as action items for moving forward and thank you to the members who came. By the way, the Tipikiva now has a liner around the perimeter and with a fire we were comfortable during the meeting.

See you all on Wednesday the 19th, and Merry Christmas everyone.

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