Monday, January 14, 2008

January 9 Meeting Minutes

Rotarians gathered in the Tipikiva at 5:00. The group welcomed two guests, Rachel Lindsey was Dr. J's guest and Cory Van Dyke was a guest of Robin Lambaria.

Club business at this meeting included
1. HONOR A TEACHER...It was decided that Rotary would honor Felicia Martinez of the Marfa public school system this month. She is to be invited to next week's meeting.

2. RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) were discussed.The plan to
limit the awards to a single gender this year was an effort to save money on transportation expenses for the club. After some discussion, Joe Denham volunteered
to drive one of the students to and from Marfa at his own expense in order to assure that the club could give both a boy and a girl an award this June as was done last year.
The group applauded this decision.

3. SISTER CITY INITIATIVE: Jon has received an answer to his inquiry to Lauro Marquez in the town of San Juanito. Mr. Marquez'letter is highly supportive of the initiative and he states that he is ready to move forward. The group discussed the next step and
made the decision to take a small group of between six and nine people to San Juanito on February 3 through 6 (Sunday through Wednesday of that week). The cost per person should be limited to $200 per person. At this time, Oscar Martinez, Rudy Garcia and Jon Johnson plan to travel by car. Johnny Calderon, Rachel Lindsey and Robin Lambaria may also travel with the group. Jon Johnson will write Mr. Marquez to arrange for lodging and introductions.

4. COMMUNITY GARDENS: The clean up at the Community Gardens went as planned, and Jon proposed that the club consider doing a second project at the gardens. The proposal is to construct a sign that would span the width of the entrance gate.The sign would identify the community gardens and raise awareness of its purpose and function in the community. Jon suggested that the people responsible for the garden's existence be honored by having their names on the sign...the Driess-Harper Community Gardens. Several people offered materials and ideas for the sign, and it was decided not to proceed with the idea until Sandra Harper could be consulted.

5. EXCHANGE STUDENT: The club is waiting until mid month to decide whether or not to press forward in a request for a student from Egypt.

6.SKEET SHOOT FUNDRAISER: This fundraiser is probably going to be set for the month
of August. There are many questions which will have to be answered, and several members agreed to work on researching these questions: Insurance, Money Prizes, Location, Clays, Entry fee.

7.CINCO DE MAYO FESTIVAL:Dr. J. proposed that the Cinco de Mayo festival be sponsored by Rotary this year. It was agreed that this could be a good fundraiser. Johnny Calderon proposed that the club organize a Queen of the Festival contest with several nominations and the winner be the recipient of a money scholarship.
He also suggested that each grade at the school have a representative to the festival. A dance might be organized for Saturday night, with a parade and the festival on Sunday.
More discussion will follow on ideas for this festival.

8.PRESIDENT ELECT for 2008 - 2009. Lacking any other nominations, Dr. Johnson was chosen by club members to a second term as president by acclimation.

The pealing of the bells of St. Mary's Church signaled the end of the meeting.

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